Saturday, April 14, 2012


Sharing on Your Wall Was a Lot Harder Back Then
I saw this funny meme on facebook a week or so ago. (I couldn't actually find the original so I just made one by myself with the same words). The audience of this meme is definitely people with an LDS background. For one to understand the joke being displayed, they have to know who Samuel the Lamanite was; preferably, they will have also seen this painting of him. The audience also has to also be in touch with modern technology or rather facebook. More specifically then, the audience this meme is directed to is LDS people who are up-to-date with popular social networking. The appeal that this picture is making is definitely geared towards the audience's emotion as they react to the humorous context. By making this humorous appeal, the creator of this meme sets his/her audience up to react positively towards his/her underlying argument as they (the audience) are put at ease. By implying the ease of sharing on your facebook wall, I think that perhaps the creator of this meme is trying to express the concern of social networking completely taking over human interaction in its normal sense, or more specifically, sharing the gospel as experience in expressing ideas and beliefs to acutal people (even in the midst of possible rejection) becomes lacking if not nonexistent.

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