Monday, January 16, 2012

US: Great World Dominance or Isolationist?

When it comes to the realtionship between the US and other countries I see myself as neither conservative nor radical. I do believe in the duty for America to serve as a nation that other countries can mimick in order to experience the great success that we have. Sometimes this may include becoming involved in what some people may think of as none of our business in order to spead the mission of freedom and equality to all. However, we musn't go through with this if it results in the detriment of our country. The troops in Iraq provide a good example of this sort of circumstance. Initially I believe that the decision to invade Iraq was a good one. For one, America could not look weak by not responding to the 9/11 terrorist attack as it would result in further and more malicious terrorist attacks. Secondly, I think that we needed to give the Iraqi people a chance to experience a stable government and the freedom that comes along with it. Through the years that we have continued to stay in Iraq this attempt has proven to be somewhat of a failure. Afterall, there is only so much an outside force can do to help if the general population do not commit and consent to the new form of government. Ultimately, factions will take control. At this point, while I do support our troops that are still in Iraq, I think that moving the troops out would prove a good decision because of the mounting debt and inablility to create a stable governmnet for the Iraqi people. Certainly this initial and continued decision to stay in Iraq has had a huge effect on the American people's ideals as well as America's growing debt situation. Understanding the huge impact that these decisions about foreign policy has on the American people makes me realize the importance or need to consider each separate circumstance so that all pros and cons may be weighed before a decision is made. For this upcoming election I want the president to support a foreign policy in which America is able to spread its example of freedom and equality while still maintain stablility and efficiency at home.

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